God gave her a Talent
Faith is a nineteen years old girl, from USEP an electrical vocational course.
Faith is a talented girl. And she is a part of the music team in church; she played guitar, base, drums and also practicing a keyboard. Wow that is great I’m so amazed because she’s a one women band played a lot of musical instruments, it’s because God gave her a talent. Faith started to played musical instruments at age of twelve years old.
How did you meet before God?
Since childhood there are times the church will gone, pastor Arnold is one of my mentor in our church, God will use him as an instrument to minister people just like me.
Since I was a second year high school that time, I don’t know what I feel before because of my homo sexualities. I'm pretending that I'm a guy, and I always text a lot of girls, and that time one of my text mates know about me. Then I entered in a wrong relationship. When I was a fourth year high school I've got sick and then I ask God why? Why this happen to me? I’m struggling and suffered with my sickness for a long time. And I realized that it is too much for me to having that kind of feelings and situation homosexuality which is wrong, the bible says God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. So there is no other than that.
I don’t want to suffer for a long time. I want to change my identity that I had before I need a way out and to make all things new.
Then I ask God for my forgiveness to repent all my sins against him and hope that he will give me another second chance an opportunity to minister people and to serve God.
God is faithful to find a way out to change my life even were a sinful.
Faith Grace was so thankful because of what God has done for her a lot of experience before, even a lot of failures but God has never been ignore as a children.
Indeed there is hope in Jesus Christ. Faith continues to listen to our program every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. She also agreed to be interviewed and used her testimony to be used in encouraging other young people who also have the same experience as she had before. She is now actively attending a church in Davao City.
Bible verse: Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
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