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joyride hitch hikers

AZIMUTH are the local Christian band artist here in Davao City, Philippines. They have a four members in a group and also they were guest on the Hitch Hikers on the Joyride program last week. 

Established in 2006 with only three members - Roy, Jay, Jad; Azimuth(coined from a mathematical term which means - an angle always in respect to north) started as a band without a main stay vocalist and doesn't have a defined genre as for their own type of music. 

Fortunate to have most likely the same influence, the so-called "unmouthed band" easily went well with each other as for their musicality during rehearsals for cover songs.

2 months after the founding of the band, they were invited to play cover songs with their 1st session vocalist Alvin. The band made pretty good reputation after a college university event.

Jad started writing songs for the band months after and recorded a demo track for a competition with their 2nd session vocalists Allan and Mitch.

The band went "unmouthed" again for almost 2 years. Late in 2009, the guys were looking for a main stay and original Azimuth vocalist - Nep, rather than just having a session vocalist. The band then again made original songs and then defined their very own breed of music- "Experimental - Man and Machine"

hitch hikers Paulo Anota
Its Wednesday night with the joyride hitch hikers Paul Anota from Law school of Davao.